vendredi 7 septembre 2012

MUCC 15th Anniversary Year Live

For three consecutive months MUCC release three DVD to celebrate the 15 th anniversary of the group, featuring live performances selected from the band's concert(s). Includes a total of 60 minutes (approx.). Comes with a bonus CD with new song(s).
The first was released on August 22, the second release on September 12 and finally the third will be released on October 3.

The first was released on August 22 :
MUCC/DVD '15th Anniversary Live Shisei'
Price 2190yen (2300yen Tax incl.)
EUR 21.99

1.  [DVD] 輝く世界  
2.  [DVD] 欄鋳
3.  [DVD] 茫然自失
4.  [DVD] 我、在ルベキ場所
5.  [DVD] 商業思想狂時代考偲曲
6.  [DVD] 最終列車
7.  [DVD] はりぼてのおとな
8.  [DVD] 神の星
9.  [DVD] モンスター
10.  [DVD] 名も無き夢
11.  [DVD] 大嫌い 2006
12.  [CD] 新曲1曲

The second release on September 12 :
MUCC/DVD '15th Anniversary Live MIssitsu'
Price 2190yen (2300yen Tax incl.)
EUR 21.99

1. [DVD] アカ
2. [DVD] 絶望
3. [DVD] 娼婦
4. [DVD] イタイ手紙
5. [DVD] 夜
6. [DVD] 嘘で歪む心臓
8. [DVD] 九日
9. [DVD] 前へ
10. [DVD] スイミン
11. [DVD] ズタズタ
12. [CD] 新曲1曲収録

The third will be released on October 3 :
MUCC/DVD '15th Anniversary Live Kodou'
Price :2190yen (2300yen Tax incl.)
EUR 21.99

1. [DVD] フォーリングダウン
2. [DVD] オズ
3. [DVD] 梟の揺り篭
4. [DVD] 極彩
5. [DVD] バルス
6. [DVD] ニルヴァーナ
7. [DVD] アルカディア featuring DAISHI DANCE
8. [DVD] ファズ
9. [DVD] 咆哮
10. [DVD] 謡声 (ウタゴエ)
11. [DVD] フライト
12. [DVD] 流星
13. [DVD] 優しい歌
14. [CD] 新曲1曲収録

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